In-depth Strengths Coaching Package (Individual)


Whether you’re a student, professional, or re-entering the workforce, you can step up your knowledge and application of your strengths.

The In-Depth Coaching Package offers a series of coaching sessions to help individuals investigate their talents more fully and apply their strengths towards professional and/or personal goals. The package includes an online CliftonStrengths Assessment, a customized CliftonStrengths Insights Report, and four (4) in-depth 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions. See below for more details on the coaching sessions.


In-Depth Coaching Package 

Whether you’re a student, professional, or re-entering the workforce, you can step up your knowledge and application of your strengths through a series of coaching sessions designed to take a deep dive into the many nuances of your talents. In these sessions your coach will provide feedback and advice as you practice using your strengths in your journey towards success.  

 The In-Depth Coaching Package is comprised of: 

  1. The CliftonStrengths Assessment is an online test that measures the intensity of your talents in each of the 34 CliftonStrengths themes, which represent what people do best.  Upon purchase of this package, your coach will contact you with an access code and instructions for taking the assessment. 
  2. Immediately after completing the assessment, you’ll receive your results in a CliftonStrengths Insights Report featuring customized descriptions of your rank-ordered dominant strengths.  Your coach will give you instructions on how to share your report for your coaching session. 
  3. Your coach will schedule four (4) in-depth 60-min 1:1 Coaching Sessions:  
    • Client Profile Discussion. This conversation allows your coach to really get to know you on a personal level to better understand how to tailor your Development Plan towards your unique talents and specific goals. 
    • Sorting Your Themes Discussion.  During this conversation your coach will guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and how to put your Talents into Actions. 
    • Strengths Appreciation Discussion.  As you gain a deeper appreciation of your strengths, your coach will assist you in mapping your talents to areas such as Building Relationships, Clearly Communicating, and Creating Accountability.  For managers and leaders, this talent mapping may also include Developing People, Inspiring Others, and Leading Change. 
    • Investing in Your Strengths Discussion.  Together, you and your coach will design your personalized Individual Development Plan.  In addition, your coach will help you harness your talents and intentionally bring them to life. 
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